For a summer project, Shaylie is managing this blog. Come follow her and see why her life is like a cupcake.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Princess Cupcakes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lolo at DetodounLolo is having a princess birthday party for her daughter who is turning 7.  She wanted cupcakes for a birthday treat.  So click HERE to see the recipe.  I have not tried baking these quite yet.  I am going to try to make them this weekend and then I will tell you how they turn out.   I am getting the hang of making cupcakes.



  1. This is great! My kids and I are having a family bake sale a week from this Saturday and we need some cool ideas. This one hits it! We're gonna make these too. We're donating 50 percent of our proceeds to a charity that helped us when we were in need. Thanks for the idea!

    Samantha (a writer from voiceBoks)

  2. Thanks soooooooooooooooooooo much for the recipe! I´ll give it a try this weekend and let you know. Her bday´s june 11th and hope to get the hang of it by then (I´m not a great baker o cook...)

    Have a wonderful day your friend from VoiceBoks

  3. Samantha, thank you so much for commenting. I am glad I could help.

  4. Lolo I hope the cupcakes turn out good.

  5. These look so cute! Hope you have fun baking:)
    PS. One trick I learnt for butter cream frosting is that the more you beat it, the fluffier it gets... and then you can have those nice light puffs of icing on top - just like in the picture:)
    Thanks for sharing your cooking adventures:)
